My Life.
My Life.
(He looks like a fishball below the fork for some reason =S) oops, thats not what we ate, sorry =X
This is what we ate:
This is what i had, Hazel Daze, looks delicious eh? =p
Yummy Yummy Frosted Chocolate Malt, Min Hui's choice.
These 2 were our appetizers, more will be shown in the small video below, created by boredom. Rodeo wings and Deep Fried Lilian Lim, uhhh, i mean Mushrooms were our appetizers. Mmmm appetizing eh ;)
These are the finishing of our ice creams. Well, as usual the smallest one couldn't complete hers, Can't blame her can we?
Video of Boredom:
Damn, Mushroom got all friendly with me that day, disgustingly horrifying. Melvin was telling me "good wod, good wod, good wod". SLAP YOU AH BOSS!!! I noticed in class that day, he could not concentrate on anything, was a bit flustered, i knew something was wrong, but don't know what was it then.
After school, i asked Min Hui and Melvin if they wanted to go Chomp Chomp and have dinner, and stay over at my place till school starts the next day, they said ok. Was surprised Melvin agreed though, it's like Shammima taking taxi to school everyday instead of bus.
On the way, it rained, and Chomp Chomp was packed, so we decided to go to a "healthier" less crowded place, a.k.a Macdonalds. After eating we snitched a cab back to my place. Now, before that, i received a call from Gabriel, asking me if they could go over to my place. I said no as i have friends over, he agreed.
When i reached home, suddenly Gabriel and Mun Hon entered the front gate. I bet it's cause they don't believe i have friends over thats why they did that. And they insisted that they are here just to see my mum, so i allowed for awhile. They talk to my mum for less than 10 seconds, came to my room, Mun Hon already assuming this is his house, changed to his casual pants, and both of them went to my living room to watch TV.
I was kind enough to let them watch the channel 8 show till 10 pm, then i decided that they've overstayed. Due to they fact that they claimed that they were only here to visit my mum, watching TV is totally so out of the point.
After chasing them out, i listened to Melvin's side of why he's so down to earth, i realised why he went beserk on smoking for that moment. Due to personal issues i wont state what's bad but i think so of you know what's going on already, heh ^^
Anyways, we lights out but they could not sleep (especially MinHui) due to me. First, i was crapping non-stop, then after i decided thats its enough, i went sleep, and snored like a foghorn.
Too bad !!! =D
(I read the email already Mun Hon, not as lame as i thought it might be don't worry, and ya appreciate the both of you being my friends as well, except for the incident on thursday.)
Nothing special happened, except having a quiz in Front office.
Gonna dota my night away! And Melvin, if you're reading this, Don't brood over it too much bro, leave it to God.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.
My Life.